by | May 9, 2019 | Public Speaking Tips and Techniques
Our club’s tag line is – “Listen, Think and Speak”. I have always wondered how public speaking can impact our thinking abilities? Well, I don’t know about others, but it definitely did impact me in a very positive way! For an easy-going...
by | May 8, 2019 | Member Spotlights and Success Stories
Have you ever felt the need for someone to tell you “issues they see in you” in a very humbling and empowering way? Straight on your face along with how to fix it solutions? Well, I found that place in Gilbert Toastmaster’s Club. However, the scope...
by | May 8, 2019 | Toastmasters News and Events
We are all busy with our daily lives. Aren’t we? Busy with our daily chores, to-do lists, stresses and routines. Amidst all this, some people find time to build legacies. One of the legacy which is collectively built is our own Gilbert Toastmasters(GTM) Club. We...
by hschroeder | May 3, 2019 | Leadership Development
We are happy to announce that the new slate of officers was voted in tonight! They will serve from July 1 through the end of the year. The positions are: President: Blair Revak VP Education: Marie Feutrier VP Membership: DJ Reed VP Public Relations: Harvey...