When you are scheduled to speak, there are several things you can do to help the Toastmaster, VP of Education, and yourself. Plus, the sooner you can provide this information, the better it supports the quality of the meeting and your presentation.
Before Wednesday of meeting
Speech info
If working in a printed manual (the Legacy educational program), let the Toastmaster and VP Education know:
1) which manual you are working in
2) which project number you are presenting
If working in a Pathways program:
1) which path you are working on
2) which project number you are presenting
3) the basic objectives and timing for that project
Intro for Speech
Please prepare an introduction for use by the Toastmaster. It helps the Toastmaster, but is also a very effective speakers tool! Send your introduction to the Toastmaster before the meeting, and bring a copy with you just in case.
We need to bring a projector to the meeting so let ToastMaster know asap if you need a projector for your speech.
Deliverables before Wednesday
We need you to provide these before Wednesday so that we can best support you. Copy this and send it in an email:
- Manual Name:
- Project Title:
- SpeechTitle:
- Intro for ToastMaster:
- Time:
- Projector needed: Yes No (If YES, send an email to ToastMaster, who will consolidate requests and contact Rob Fleischner no later than Wednesday evening)
Day of Meeting
Please also bring your manual or a printout of the Pathways evaluation form for use by your evaluator during the meeting.
After the Meeting
If this is not your first speech, it is advisable to review the feedback provided by members and your evaluator from previous speeches, and if you haven’t watched it yet, review the video of your speech(es) on www.ameriteclighting.com/toastmasters.html
Thanks for being a Gilbert Toastmaster