1. In advance of the meeting develop twelve to fourteen (12 – 14) questions based on the theme of the evening which you will ask during your segment of the meeting.
  2. Have fun choosing your questions but keep the question short and focused.
  3. Ask the Toastmaster and the General Evaluator to meet with you about 15 minutes before the meeting so you can huddle and decide who in attendance shall be assigned table topics.
  4. Exclude those members with major functions (Toastmaster, General Evaluator, speakers and evaluators) altogether.
  5. Your goal is to give everyone a chance to speak who does not have a function.
  6. One of the mistakes that the Table Topicmaster makes is taking up too much time warming up the audience with their own comments, which cuts into the time of participants. Hold these warm comments to about a minute or two.
  7. If the attendance is low and you need to enlist those in attendance with functions to participate in table topics start with those with lesser functions such as the Word of Wisdom functionary and Jokemaster. Start at the bottom of the schedule and work your way up.
  8. Obtain the certificates for the winners of Best Table Topics, Best Speaker, Best Evaluator from the Sergeant at Arms prior to the start of the meeting. Have the president sign each blank certificate. If he/she is not in attendance ask another officer to do so.
  9. The Toastmaster for the day will introduce you. You then are to explain the purpose of Table Topics to the audience. This is especially important for guests.
  10. Inform the guests that they will be invited to participate if they wish. No pressure.
  11. For the greatest effectiveness ask the question first and then choose the person to speak. This is the preferred way because everyone has to listen to the question.
  12. Try to finish up by 7:30 PM. Ask the General Evaluator to help you watch the time.
  13. Ask for a timer’s report and ask members to vote for the person who they believe gave the best presentation.
  14. At the end of the meeting, the General Evaluator will have the members pass their ballots to you. You count the ballots and write the names of the winners on the corresponding certificates.
  15. As soon as you have completed filling in names of all certificates (best table topics, best speaker, best evaluator, give them to the General Evaluator who will present them to the winners. Your job has then ended.